Dr. Greenbaum is an experienced sports medicine specialist trained in the most up-to-date techniques in arthroscopic surgery and joint replacement of the shoulder and knee. He also offers innovative nonsurgical treatments to improve outcomes.
I am a native of Southern California. I received my undergraduate degree from UC Davis and then returned home to attend and graduate from the University of Southern California with a Medical Degree. I remained at LA County/USC to complete an Orthopaedic Surgery Internship and Residency.
Stem cells are already present within your body to help regenerate your tissues and induce healing when an injury occurs. But as we get older, we produce fewer stem cells and as a result, less effective healing. Scientists and physicians have made tremendous advances to make cellular therapy and tissue regeneration a reality in treating many diseases.
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that provides lubrication to the joints. In arthritis there is a depletion of hyaluronic acid resulting in joint pain. The injection of hyaluronic acid, also called viscosupplementation, is a therapeutic treatment used to relieve joint pain by restoring the joint environment.
Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a high concentration of platelets and plasma that is obtained by processing a sample of your blood to improve its regenerative and healing properties. PRP injections can help alleviate painful symptoms and promote healing in cases of muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries; arthritis; and fractures.
BMAC is a concentration of regenerative stem cells obtained from the bone marrow where blood cells are generated. It is usually aspirated from the pelvic bone and when injected into injured tissue the specialized stem cells replicate to cause regeneration of tissues and speed up the healing process.